Understanding the Law of Zoning and Land Use Controls

Fourth Edition

by Barlow Burke

Forthcoming 2025

Tags: Land Use Planning, Law School Study Aids, Practitioner Resources, Understanding Series

ISBN 978-1-5310-2925-8
eISBN 978-1-5310-2926-5

Understanding The Law of Zoning And Land Use Controls introduces the practice of law in this area to law students and attorneys in four steps: (1) first presenting the leading 5th Amendment takings cases that provide the constitutional framework for municipal land use regulations; (2) the forms of action providing relief from those regulations; (3) the law of subdivision regulations with an introduction to the takings cases relevant to their application; and (4) the means available to the attorney to halt further regulation of a client's property.

Throughout the text, cases from various jurisdictions that provide leading cases and informative statutes in these areas are used to present the law.

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