Louisiana Criminal Law
Cases and Materials
Forthcoming June 2025
Tags: Criminal Law
Teacher's Manual forthcoming
ISBN 978-1-5310-2969-2
eISBN 978-1-5310-2970-8
Louisiana Criminal Law: Cases and Materials provides an in-depth explanation of Louisiana criminal law, offering insights, rigorous analysis, and perspectives that improve understanding of criminal law. Key features of the book include:
- An explanation of the notion of criminal responsibility;
- An analysis of defenses that exculpate or justify otherwise criminal conduct—insanity, intoxication, mistake, compulsion, necessity, self-defense, and provocation;
- A comprehensive analysis of crimes in Louisiana that clearly explainins the elements of each crime, including homicide, assault, battery, sexual offense, kidnapping, theft, robbery, burglary, arson; and
- An examination of inchoate crimes including conspiracy, solicitation, attempt, and parties to a crime.
Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.