Criminal Procedure

The Post-Investigative Process

Sixth Edition

by Neil P. Cohen, Stanley E. Adelman, Leslie W. Abramson, Tiffany Murphy, Matt Bender, D'lorah Hughes

Forthcoming July 2025

Tags: Criminal Procedure

Teacher's Manual forthcoming

ISBN 978-1-5310-3032-2
eISBN 978-1-5310-3033-9

The sixth edition of Criminal Procedure: The Post-Investigative Process is designed to teach the so-called "bail to jail" facets of criminal procedure. It does not concern the constitutional limitations governing arrest, search and seizure, or identification and interrogation. The focus is on those important, and often ignored, stages of the criminal process that start with the decision to pursue criminal charges and end with various post-conviction options.

The book is arranged in a roughly chronological way that traces a criminal defendant's journey through the criminal justice system. It includes important federal and state cases, textual materials (including empirical studies), and parts of applicable rules of procedure. Throughout, Criminal Procedure discusses a number of practical issues, including the often difficult ethical issues facing prosecutors and defense counsel. Because most criminal cases end with a guilty plea, the impact of various stages on the guilty plea is noted throughout the book.

The book gives emphasis to both the governing doctrinal law and the practical issues and problems that arise in criminal prosecution and defense. The authors intersperse practice problems throughout the book to assist students in understanding and applying the concepts discussed.

The book is supplemented annually and a Teacher's Manual is available to professors.

Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.