Legal Analysis Writing Skills

Learn Skills, Not Documents

by Bradley J. Charles

Forthcoming May 2025

Tags: Legal Writing

Teacher's Manual forthcoming

ISBN 978-1-5310-3307-1
eISBN 978-1-5310-3308-8

This textbook hopes to banish "I never learned that in law school" and replace it with "I have the skills to figure this out."

The main goal of Legal Analysis Writing Skills is to teach — not necessarily particular documents — but the array of skills necessary to do legal analysis in any form. With eight sample legal analytical documents as the text's synthesizing threads, readers will learn sixteen modular skills that can be assembled and reassembled to write objective or persuasive analysis. These skills cover, among others, reverse-engineering documents, storytelling, spotting the issue, explaining the law, brainstorming arguments, applying the law, summarizing analysis, writing headings and titles, adjusting typograph, citing, and editing.

Between the explanations and hundreds of examples, any student of this text will be ready for analysis on the NextGen Bar Exam and in the practice of law.

Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.