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Sexuality and Discrimination

A Rights and Liberties Perspective

by Gilbert Paul Carrasco

Tags: Civil Rights/Race and the Law, Sexuality and Law

Table of Contents (PDF)

980 pp  $95.00

ISBN 978-1-59460-026-5

This unique casebook explores the many dimensions of discrimination in the context of sexuality. Strategic considerations of the lawyer as advocate are included, raising issues intended to heighten students' awareness of the personal complexities that often attend the representation of gay and lesbian clients.

In its treatment of the ubiquitous problem of discrimination based on sexual orientation, the book addresses the variety of federal, state, and international constitutional and statutory regimes in the contexts of education, employment, housing, and the many issues involving the definition of "family." Cases decided by state, foreign, and various federal courts are analyzed against the backdrop of an emerging paradigm of equal protection of the laws that continues to develop in the United States Supreme Court.

The book also considers the intersection of sexuality and AIDS and discrimination against pregnant women.

Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.