This book has been replaced by a newer edition:

Mastering Corporations and Other Business Entities cover

Mastering Corporations and Other Business Entities, Second Edition

by Lee Harris

2015, 302 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-737-3


Mastering Corporations and Other Business Entities

by Lee Harris

Table of Contents (PDF)

290 pp  $32.00

ISBN 978-1-59460-444-7
eISBN 978-1-61163-315-3

This title is out of print and may have reduced or no availability. Please contact us for more information about ordering.

Although the vast majority of law students take a corporations or basic business organizations course, there are surprisingly few attempts to systematically organize the most important doctrine and theories covered. Of the few books that track the basic business law course, even fewer still are of recent vintage. This book attempts to fill those lacunas by giving the reader a sense of the theory and history of business law along with providing a thorough review of doctrine.

Mastering Corporations and Other Business Entities is intended to reach students in the basic Corporations or Business Organizations courses. This concise book attempts to make the core coverage of these courses—agency principles, partnership law, fiduciary duties, securities fraud, and changes in corporate control—as easy and straightforward as possible.

Additionally, this book would be a useful resource to students in related law school courses, such as Agency and Partnership, Closely-Held Firms, Mergers and Acquisitions, and Securities Regulation. Mastering Corporations and Other Business Entities may also be helpful to both the graduate student in business administration who is enrolled in a basic business law course and the newly-minted corporate attorney who wants a refresher text.