This book has been replaced by a newer edition:
Children and Juvenile Justice, Third Edition
by Ellen Marrus
2021, 752 pp, casebound, ISBN 978-1-61163-897-4
Teacher's Manual available
Children and Juvenile Justice
Second Edition
by Ellen Marrus, Irene Merker Rosenberg
Tags: Juvenile Law
650 pp $80.00
ISBN 978-1-59460-901-5
eISBN 978-1-5310-0117-9
Now in its second edition, this casebook provides a unique teaching tool for examining the issues relating to children charged with crime in the juvenile courts. It is an innovative blend of the analytical, conceptual, practical and ethical considerations arising in that context. The authors have drawn on their many years of experience teaching juvenile justice courses and representing delinquents in the juvenile courts of New York, California, and Texas, as well as on innovative scholarship in this area of the law.
In addition to examining the history of the juvenile court system in America, the Supreme Court jurisprudence, the various stages of delinquency proceedings, the ethical dilemmas of representing minors, the status offender jurisdiction, the right to treatment in juvenile correctional facilities, waivers, determinate sentencing, blended and extended jurisdiction, and international and comparative law the new edition includes competency issues in juvenile court. The materials include cases, including new United States Supreme Court and state cases, statutes, forms, ABA Standards, law review and related articles, new recommendations on the role of juvenile defense counsel, new social science research, and notes and questions.