Mastering Negotiation

by Michael R. Fowler

Tags: ADR/Negotiation/Mediation; Mastering Series; and Practitioner Resources

Table of Contents (PDF)

484 pp  $44.00

ISBN 978-1-61163-048-0
eISBN 978-1-5310-0163-6

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This comprehensive book covers the key stages of the negotiation process: choosing an approach, preparing to negotiate, initiating talks, moving to substantive bargaining and problem-solving, overcoming common difficulties, and closing a deal. It focuses on issues of negotiation strategy, especially those associated with the interest-based or mutual-gains negotiation that professional negotiators often use in complex disputes. Special features include chapters on cross-cultural negotiations, group negotiations, and ethical issues.

"People engaged in the study and practice of negotiation and appropriate dispute resolution have long been on the lookout for a book that explores all of the advances in principled or interest-based negotiation that have occurred since the 1981 publication of that ground-breaking work by Roger Fisher and Bill Ury, Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. Professor Michael Fowler's Mastering Negotiation is a clear, engaging, wide-ranging, and perceptive study, ideal for classroom adoption and sure to be of great interest to university students and faculty as well as practitioners in law firms, board-rooms, civil society, foreign ministries, and the halls of politics."

— Sean Byrne, Director, Arthur V. Mauro Centre for Peace & Justice, and Professor of Peace & Conflict Studies, St. Paul's College, University of Manitoba

"This is a landmark contribution to the teaching, learning, and practice of negotiation. . .The book succeeds on two tracks: it is a tour-de-force in articulation and critical examination of fundamental concepts, but it is also an intensely practical guide to techniques for applying those concepts. In every chapter, specific illustrations and real-world examples abound, as do checklists and roadmaps. The book is destined to be a well-thumbed reference guide to what succeeds and what fails in diverse negotiation contexts." — Donald L. Burnett, Jr., Professor (Emeritus) of Law, University of Idaho
Dean, College of Law

Mastering Books This book is part of the Carolina Academic Press Mastering Series edited by Russell L. Weaver, University of Louisville School of Law.

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