This book has been replaced by a newer edition:

Mastering Torts

A Student's Guide to the Law of Torts

Fifth Edition

by Vincent R. Johnson

Tags: First Year, Lawyering Skills, Torts

Table of Contents (PDF)

374 pp  $40.00

ISBN 978-1-61163-172-2
eISBN 978-1-5310-0708-9

Mastering Torts offers a clear, doctrinal overview of the law governing compensation for personal injuries and property damage. By exploring the basic rules of tort liability, and illuminating their application to specific fact situations, Mastering Torts describes the main features of the American tort system.

More than three hundred and fifty cases are discussed. Each of these decisions is presented in a way that probes the meaning and limits of particular rules, but also reveals a broader, policy-based perspective on the law.

Designed primarily for use by law students, Mastering Torts is a companion volume to Studies in American Tort Law (5th e. 2013, by Vincent R. Johnson). Mastering Torts is organized along traditional subject lines and follows a mainstream approach to the task of learning this dynamic area of the law. The content of Mastering Torts reflects a judgment that the best place to begin the study of modern tort law is with a clear understanding of the current regime.