The California Probate Paralegal

Second Edition

by Dianna L. Noyes

Tags: California-Specific Paralegal Titles; Paralegal; and Trusts/Estates/Probate

Table of Contents (PDF)

Teacher's Manual available

416 pp  $69.00

ISBN 978-1-61163-452-5
eISBN 978-1-5310-0108-7

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The California Probate Paralegal, Second Edition, is a comprehensive textbook for students and practicing paralegals in California. It covers the nuts and bolts of probate, estate planning and administration using a balanced approach of theory and application. The textbook includes the history of probate and estate planning, as well as the most current, up-to-date information about estate planning and administration.

This textbook provides state specific statutes, rules, and procedures and step-by-step guidance in preparing California Judicial Council forms and pleadings. Forms and practical examples are used throughout the book as they apply to typical probate and estate issues a paralegal will face in the law firm.

The book is written for all levels – students as well as practicing paralegals. Readers will enjoy this topical and easy to follow textbook and will refer to it again and again as a valuable desk reference in their daily work as a probate/estate planning paralegal.

PowerPoint slides are available upon adoption. Sample slides from the full 30-slide presentation are available to view here. Email for more information.

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