This book has been replaced by a newer edition:
The California Family Law Paralegal, Fourth Edition
2021, 590 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-1819-1
Teacher's Manual available
The California Family Law Paralegal
Third Edition
Tags: Family Law
Teacher's Manual available
728 pp $90.00
ISBN 978-1-61163-561-4
eISBN 978-1-5310-0782-9
The Third Edition of The California Family Law Paralegal is today's method for students and entry level paralegals to learn the theory and practice of their profession within the specific framework of California's laws. Paralegal students and entry level paralegals will enjoy this topical course book and will refer to it again and again as a valuable desk reference in their daily work as a paralegal. This text provides in depth information about the use of Judicial Council forms and other specialized pleadings found in California.
Practical exhibits and examples for students and all levels of paralegals are included, as well as sample tests, test questions, and research projects to round out their education. This edition includes the recent changes in California law that relate to the revised statutory definition of marriage, along with as much relevant information as is available at press time in this evolving area of family law.
This comprehensive textbook for students and practicing paralegals in California covers the basic nuts and bolts of family law practice using a balanced approach of theory and application.
These and other important Family Law subjects are covered in depth:
- Adoptions
- Child and Spousal Support
- Custody and Visitation
- Dissolutions, Legal Separations and Annulments (start to finish)
- Motions and Orders to Show Cause
- Enforcement of Family Law Orders
- Domestic Violence
- Paternity
- Pre-marital, post-marital and Cohabitation Agreements
- Domestic Partnerships
- "Key Terms" defined in each chapter
- Glossary of Terms