Investment Management Regulation
An Introduction to Principles and Practice
by Joseph A. Franco, Karl-Otto Hartmann
Tags: Business, Securities Law
Teacher's Manual available
684 pp $128.00
ISBN 978-1-61163-717-5
eISBN 978-1-5310-1211-3
Investment Management Regulation: An Introduction to Principles and Practice provides a groundbreaking approach to the increasingly important body of federal law governing the investment management industry, which oversees more than $25 trillion in assets in the U.S. alone. The text's approach is unique, combining a traditional casebook with an extended, but focused, description of the key non-legal aspects of the industry. The casebook gives primary emphasis to the Investment Advisers Act and the Investment Company Act.
Drawing on extensive regulatory and practical experience, the authors have created a text with topics that will be familiar to well-versed practitioners while also being accessible to academics lacking prior experience in the area. In addition to the main text, the authors will provide users with an electronic supplement and instructors with a teacher's manual, which will both offer brief discussions of supplementary topics and additional exercises.
This title has a teaching website that contains the full Teacher's Manual, a set of 788 PowerPoint slides, practical exercises, as well as other ancillary materials, and is available upon adoption. If you are a professor using this book for a class, please contact Kerri Hughes at to request access to the site.
Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.