Problems in Professional Responsibility for a Changing Profession

Sixth Edition

by Andrew L. Kaufman, David B. Wilkins, Eli Wald, Keith Swisher

Tags: Professional Responsibility/Legal Profession, Professionalism/Law Practice

Table of Contents (PDF)

Teacher's Manual available

1218 pp  $188.00

ISBN 978-1-61163-893-6
eISBN 978-1-5310-0461-3

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In this new sixth edition, the longest running professional responsibility book on the market, Problems in Professional Responsibility for a Changing Profession, has been thoroughly updated and rearranged by its current and two new authors. New and expanded materials in this new edition address cybersecurity, access to justice, judicial ethics and disqualification, the ABA's Ethics 20/20 amendments, and lawyers' obligations within firms and other organizations (among many other timely or recurring topics). Importantly, the book has retained its original problem-oriented focus on ethical issues faced in everyday practice, its exploration of current issues faced by the legal profession, and its unique section examining the demographics, structure, and organization of the profession. The need of our profession to take account of our changing world is apparent in every chapter of the new edition.

Features of the Sixth Edition include:

  • The book is available in affordable electronic and hardback versions;
  • The book contains over 120 thoughtfully crafted Problems to engage students in timely and timeless ethical issues arising in legal practice;
  • Adopters and prospective adopters will receive an electronic copy of the Teacher's Manual, which includes suggested course coverage for two- and three-credit courses and a deeper discussion of each Problem.

Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.