This book has been replaced by a newer edition:
Mastering Native American Law, Third Edition
2024, 292 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-2664-6
Mastering American Indian Law
Second Edition
by Angelique Wambdi EagleWoman, Stacy L. Leeds
Tags: Indian and Indigenous Peoples Law; Mastering Series; and Practitioner Resources
248 pp $33.00
ISBN 978-1-61163-896-7
eISBN 978-1-5310-0030-1
Mastering American Indian Law is a text designed to provide readers with an overview of the field and serve as a useful supplement to classroom instruction covering tribal law, federal Indian law, and tribal-state relations. In ten chapters, the book has full discussions of a wide range of topics, including: Chapter 2, "American Indian Property Law"; Chapter 3, "Criminal Jurisdiction in Indian Country"; Chapter 4 "Tribal Government, Civil Jurisdiction and Regulation"; Chapter 8, "Tribal-State Relations"; and Chapter 9, "Sacred Sites and Cultural Property Protection." Throughout the text, explanations of the relevant interaction between tribal governments, the federal government, and state governments are included in the various subject areas. In Chapter 10, "International Indigenous Issues and Tribal Nations," the significant evolution of collective rights in international documents is focused upon as these documents may be relevant for tribal governments in relations with the United States. For Indian law courses, law school seminars on topics in American Indian Law, undergraduate and graduate level American Indian Studies classes, and those interested in the field, this book provides an easy-to-read text to guide readers from the historical to the contemporary on the major aspects of American Indian law and policy.
This second edition keeps pace with legal developments in policy, federal law, and court decisions, while it continues to fill a unique niche as a primary and secondary text for courses in the field. Updates are provided for key developments such as the recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions on tribal jurisdiction, sovereign immunity, and the release of the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs Guidelines on the interpretation of the Indian Child Welfare Act. The text also serves as a practical guide for Indian law practitioners and lawyers that are looking to expand their knowledge of American Indian law.
This book is part of the Carolina Academic Press Mastering Series edited by Russell L. Weaver, University of Louisville School of Law.