The Law of Disability Discrimination for Higher Education Professionals

by Ruth Colker, Paul Grossman

Tags: Disability Law and Education Law

Table of Contents (PDF)

364 pp  $69.00

ISBN 978-1-63280-763-2
eISBN 978-1-63280-764-9

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In 2013, LexisNexis published Colker and Grossman, The Law of Disability Discrimination, Eighth Edition. This new title is a remix of that popular law school textbook, updated in several important respects, and refocused to address more specifically the needs of the many individuals who are responsible for disability equality in higher education: disabled student services directors, ADA officers, house and contract counsel, human resource directors, college grievances officers, ombudspersons, federal and state compliance agents, organizational advocates, health and counseling service personnel, deans and faculty, etc.

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