This book has been replaced by a newer edition:

State and Local Government in a Federal System

Eighth Edition

by Daniel R. Mandelker, Judith Welch Wegner, Janice C. Griffith, Kenneth Bond, Christopher J. Tyson

Tags: Government/National Security Law, State and Local Government

Table of Contents (PDF)

Teacher's Manual available

928 pp  $193.00

ISBN 978-1-63280-824-0
eISBN 978-1-63280-826-4

To access the 2016 supplement, click here.

The Eighth Edition of State and Local Government in a Federal System continues the tradition of comprehensive coverage, providing teachers with choices that are suitable to either two- or three-unit courses with emphasis on local or state government. The book has two principal objectives. First, it focuses on government powers: where they come from, how they operate, and how disputes about such powers are resolved. Second, it addresses the participants in the governance process: who they are, and how they play their roles as entities and individuals. Each chapter includes one or more 'problems' to illustrate the application of key principles.

This Eighth Edition of the casebook reflects insights from two new co-authors. Kenneth Bond has 40 years of practice experience as bond counsel and underwriters' counsel. Professor Chris Tyson has a background in land use planning and municipal law and has also contributed to this revision particularly in the areas of government power and public employees. Former Chapters 1 and 2 have been consolidated in order to present all preliminary topics in one place (background on local governments and constitutional principles along with more tightly presented material on incorporation and annexation). Chapter 4 on public finance has been completely reorganized and re-written. Chapter 6's coverage of state tort law has been revised and clarified, and Chapter 9's coverage of voting rights and education has been reorganized and tightened. All other materials have been carefully updated as well. This Edition also incorporates a number of new problems with a contemporary focus to enhance discussion. The comprehensive Teacher's Manual (available only to professors) has also been updated and includes discussion of principal cases as well as answers to problems and questions posed in Notes. In addition, faculty will find up-to-date support (including problems, cases, and more) available on the website maintained by co-author, Judith Wegner.

The Coursebook Support Community Website for State and Local Government in a Federal System is being maintained by one of the book authors, Professor Judith Wegner ( and will be updated on a continuing basis to provide updated information including new cases and statutes, links to charters, and other research sources, problems, and presentations useful to those teaching in this field.

This book also is available in a three-hole punched, alternative loose-leaf version printed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with wider margins and with the same pagination as the hardbound book