This book has been replaced by a newer edition:

Federal Constitutional Law, Volume 3 cover

Federal Constitutional Law, Volume 3: Federal Legislative Power, Third Edition

2025, 324 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-1978-5


Teacher's Manual forthcoming

Federal Constitutional Law, Volume 3

Introduction to the Federal Legislative Power

Second Edition

by Lee J. Strang

Tags: Constitutional Law, Federal Constitutional Law Series, First Year, Introduction to Law

Table of Contents (PDF)

Teacher's Manual available

334 pp  $39.00

ISBN 978-1-63280-972-8
eISBN 978-1-63280-973-5

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This softcover book is the third volume in the Constitutional Law Modular Series. This innovative modular approach to the material makes it possible for instructors to mix and match a suitable number of volumes for a course of varying length and focus. Coverage includes:

  • Federal taxing and spending revenue;
  • Enumerated powers and the Necessary and Proper Clause;
  • The commerce power before and after the New Deal; and
  • Legislative enforcement of the Fourteenth Amendment.

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