Privacy Statement

The philosophy behind our privacy policy is that CAP tries to collect as little personal information as possible (only what is required for security and operational purposes) and does not share user data with third-parties for any purpose except in the regular process of developing, operating, and maintaining our software. CAP does not request any very sensitive information (such as social security number or birth date) and does not store any sensitive data (like credit card number after a Charge/Authorization is issued).

This policy applies to CAP websites, including:

  • and;
  • Core Grammar for Lawyers;
  • Core Grammar for College;
  • Mastering The Bluebook® Interactive Exercises;
  • Click & Learn Guide to Civil Procedure; and
  • Core Knowledge for Lawyers

In the process of operating these websites, Carolina Academic Press may at times collect the following information:

Email address, name, school attending (if any), and phone numbers. If there is a purchase involved, billing and shipping addresses and payment information are collected. Metadata (IP address, user info string as reported by the browser) may sometimes be stored to ensure account security and also to aid in technical support inquiries. CAP does not store credit card numbers (CAP stores last four digits and expiration date only).

In student programs (CGL, MBIE, CKL, C&L, etc.) CAP stores submitted answers to questions and progress through the program.

CAP may sometimes share aggregate information about these results (e.g. “75% of users answered question three correctly”) but will never share individual information. CAP will never share identifying student information with any third-party with the sole exception being software developers working on our sites. All software developers are required to agree to a privacy policy that blocks further dissemination of student data. If a user of a program with class-functionality is a member of a class, CAP will be able to discuss that user’s result with a properly registered instructor of that class or a coordinator user at the institution (all such users agree to follow FERPA guidelines). CAP will not discuss user information for users who have not connected their accounts to a class with instructors without written authorization from the user.

CAP collects this data solely for operating its services and software. CAP does not sell or share this information outside of CAP and its developers.

CAP may sometimes use results data both in testing our software (e.g., for performance, correctness, and functionality of different devices) and in broad aggregate analysis (e.g. “the average score on the Pre-Test is a 67%”). When using data in this way, identifying data (e.g., names, emails, etc.) is never used or shared.

Users who no longer wish to use a CAP software platform may email us at to request removal of data. In this case, all identifying data may be removed, but results (e.g., answers to questions) will be kept in anonymous fashion.

CAP services run off of dedicated servers in secure and professionally managed data centers.

Users who participate in an alpha, beta, or trial test of CAP software programs during the development will have their personal privacy respected in the same way, but it is expected and understood that submitted results during testing are submitted to CAP for the purposes of testing and current and future software development. CAP reserves the right to use this data more broadly in testing and developing our software.

Users may contact with any questions or issues regarding data usage and retention.

Some CAP products and services may link to or use other software platforms that are covered by their own privacy policies, such as:

  • Zoom
  • Canvas
  • Mailchimp