Lawyers and the Legal Profession
Cases and Materials
Fourth Edition
by Roy D. Simon, Jr., Carol Needham, Burnele Powell
Tags: Legal Profession/Professional Responsibility
636 pp $168.00
ISBN 978-0-82056-115-8
Looseleaf 978-0-76984-871-6
eISBN 978-0-32717-814-9
The authors employ several techniques to make this book user-friendly. For example, the text gives students black letter law in plain English at the start of many chapters. For key topics (such as confidentiality, conflicts of interest, and communicating with adverse parties), outlines summarize the law clearly and concisely. Other topics begin with short introductory essays about the law. This way, a student can quickly grasp the basic concepts and be ready to spend class time discussing more sophisticated, interesting, and important issues.
Lawyers and the Legal Profession thrusts students into the middle of the debate over current ethical issues and the ethical realities of everyday practice. The notes and questions stimulate interesting class discussions while the many problems and longer scenarios provide you the concrete situations in which to anchor the dialogue. The casebook provokes vigorous classroom debate while assisting students in developing the capacity for ethical judgment that is so vital to the profession.
A Teacher's Manual is available for professors.