This book has been replaced by a newer edition:

Essential Latin for Lawyers cover

Essential Latin for Lawyers, Second Edition

by Russ VerSteeg

2024, 208 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-2492-5


Essential Latin for Lawyers

Essential Latin for Lawyers

by Russ VerSteeg

Tags: Classics, First Year, Introduction to Law, Latin, Law School Study Aids, Legal Practical Resources, Pre-Law

180 pp  $25.00

ISBN 978-0-89089-378-4

In this handbook, VerSteeg—a former Latin teacher and now a law professor—provides translations, discussions, and explanations of Latin legal terminology that law students and lawyers are most likely to use. He then explains the use of the Latin terminology with respect to its broader legal context. Unlike other reference books, this book is arranged by subject areas in law, such as constitutional law, contracts, property, torts, general terms, etc. The book also contains a glossary of approximately 290 Latin terms that occur frequently in legal writing, an appendix, and a guide to classical Latin pronunciation.

"The author explains the use of Latin terminology through excellent case and historical references. This delightful book should be required reading for all students."
Bimonthly Review of Law Books

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