Russ VerSteeg

Russ VerSteeg is a retired Professor of Law at New England Law | Boston.


Early Mesopotamian Law cover

Early Mesopotamian Law

2000, 222 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-977-9


Essential Latin for Lawyers cover

Essential Latin for Lawyers, Second Edition

2024, 208 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-2492-5


The Essentials of Greek and Roman Law cover

The Essentials of Greek and Roman Law

2010, 264 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-556-7


Law in Ancient Egypt cover

Law in Ancient Egypt

2002, 256 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-978-6


Law in the Ancient World cover

Law in the Ancient World

2002, 424 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-976-2
