Youth Sport and the Law

A Guide to Legal Issues

by Tom Appenzeller

Tags: Risk Management; Sports; and Sports Law

Table of Contents (PDF)

216 pp  $19.95

ISBN 978-0-89089-663-1

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In the United States today, parents, coaches, officials, and league administrators have to be aware of the various legal issues that can arise in youth sport. Years ago, volunteer coaches or officials would probably be thanked for their efforts, but today they are just as likely to be sued. The American fascination with litigation continues to grow, and the number of lawsuits in youth sport has more than doubled in the last ten years.

Youth Sport and the Law studies various court cases to understand the legal principles involved in sport participation. The objective of the book is to provide better and safer sporting experiences for today's children.

Written in an easy-to-understand style, the book features articles and human interest stories about people in youth sport at the end of each chapter. Appenzeller, himself a teacher, coach, and youth sport parent, provides guidelines and recommendations that will greatly improve sport for all concerned.