Samuel Dodd's Reports

1678-1713 and Miscellaneous Exchequer Cases 1671-1713

by W. Hamilton Bryson

Tags: Legal History

Table of Contents (PDF)

400 pp  $45.00

ISBN 978-0-89089-695-2

This book is the first edition of Samuel Dodd's law reports. These cases date from the last third of the 17th Century and although they were not wholly unknown, they were in law French and unindexed — and thus, generally inaccessible. These cases are primarily from the Court of King's Bench and then from the Court of Exchequer. The exchequer cases help to fill the gap of exchequer reports that exists between Hardres' reports and Bunbury's reports. Only a handful of exchequer cases from this period were published in the general law reports, and these cases have been re-edited in this book so that all the exchequer cases in print between 1671 and 1713 are contained herein. Most importantly, all are in English and reflect modern editorial practices, and there is a subject index to this book so that the cases are accessible to the historical researcher.

Author W. Hamilton Bryson has included many interesting cases on juries, criminal law, land law and wills, creditor's rights, bankruptcy and the royal prerogative and revenue. This valuable reference should be in all academic and general law libraries.