Legal History Titles
American Constitutional Law: Selected Essays
2018, 776 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-5310-0780-5
American Labor Struggles and Law Histories, Second Edition
2016, 638 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-872-1
American Lawyer: Twelve Attorneys Who Have Transformed the United States
2021, 300 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-9460-7435-5
And, We Must Make Them Noble: A Contextual History of the Valparaiso University School of Law, 1879-2004
2004, 512 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-016-6
And, We Must Make Them Noble: A Contextual History of the Valparaiso University School of Law, 1879-2004
2004, 512 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-041-8
The Anglo-American Legal Heritage (Paperback): Introductory Materials, Second Edition
2004, 664 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-1126-0
The Baron and the Marquis: Liberty, Tyranny, and the Enlightenment Maxim That Can Remake American Criminal Justice
2019, 540 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-1305-9
The Birth of American Law: An Italian Philosopher and the American Revolution
2014, 694 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-61163-604-8
The Burdens of All: A Social History of American Tort Law
2021, 264 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-2333-1
Burrow-Giles v. Sarony (US 1884) (Deep Dive Series): Copyright Protection for Photographs, and Concepts of Authorship
2020, 310 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-94607-429-4
Calmly to Poise the Scales of Justice: A History of the Courts of the District of Columbia Circuit
2001, 426 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-0-89089-645-7
Capital Punishment Trials of Mafia Murderers
2015, 304 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-693-2
The Celebrated Marquis: An Italian Noble and the Making of the Modern World
2018, 568 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-786-1
The Cherokee Supreme Court: 1823–1835
2021, 238 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-1841-2
The Chief Justices: The Seventeen Men at the Center Seat, Their Courts, and Their Times
2019, 484 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-94607-425-6
China's Legal Soul: The Modern Chinese Legal Identity in Historical Context
2009, 264 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-636-6
"Come on, Children": The Autobiography of Attorney George Washington Fields, Born a Slave in Hanover County, Virginia
2024, 174 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-94607-442-3
The Commander-in-Chief
2015, 204 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-61163-671-0
Comparative Law: Global Legal Traditions
2021, 888 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-0785-0
Teacher's Manual available
Complicated Lives: Free Blacks in Virginia, 1619–1865
2019, 212 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-1617-3
The Constitution and the Attorneys General
1999, 736 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-0-89089-893-2
A Consummate Lawyer: William Reece Smith, Jr.
2010, 272 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-806-3
Contracts in Crises: Excuse Doctrine and Retrospective Government Acts
2007, 326 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-269-6
Courts of Admiralty and the Common Law (Paperback): Origins of the American Experiment in Concurrent Jurisdiction
2007, 492 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-1068-3
Courts of Admiralty in Colonial America: The Maryland Experience, 1634-1776
1995, 458 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-0-89089-856-7
The Death Penalty as Torture: From the Dark Ages to Abolition
2017, 460 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-61163-926-1
Deciphering a Civil Code: Sources of Law and Methods of Interpretation
2015, 178 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-634-5
Deciphering the History of Japanese War Atrocities: The Story of Doctor and General Shiro Ishii
2014, 288 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-558-4
Democracy and Social Justice: Uncollected Writings of Louis Brandeis
Forthcoming April 2025, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-3264-7
Dispelling the Myths of Abortion History, Revised Edition
2023, 1306 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-5310-2675-2
The Drafting History of UCC Article 5
2016, 298 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-814-1
The Essentials of Greek and Roman Law
2010, 264 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-556-7
Exploring Conflict over the Professor's Role in U.S. Legal Education: Theory v. Practice
2024, 238 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-2784-1
Federal Justice in the Mid-Atlantic South: United States Courts from Maryland to the Carolinas, 1836-1861
2015, 766 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-61163-601-7
The Fetha Nagast: The Law of the Kings
2009, 392 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-661-8
A Final Accounting: Holocaust Survivors and Swiss Banks
2010, 644 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-769-1
Five Words That Changed America: Miranda v. Arizona and the Right to Remain Silent
2020, 298 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-946074-30-0
Florida's First Constitution: The Constitution of Cádiz: Introduction, Translation, and Text
2012, 138 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-189-0
The Foundations of American Law: A Companion to the 1L Year
2024, 162 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-2951-7
Foundations of Law
2017, 1016 pp, casebound, ISBN 978-1-5310-0463-7
Teacher's Manual available
Fred Korematsu: All American Hero
2011, 96 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-000-8
Freedom of the Press from Zenger to Jefferson: Reprint with new introduction and updated bibliography
1996, 496 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-837-6
Freedom's Conditions in the U.S.-Canadian Borderlands in the Age of Emancipation
2011, 344 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-772-1
From Gutenberg to the Internet: Free Speech, Advancing Technology, and the Implications for Democracy, Third Edition
Forthcoming April 2025, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-3289-0
Gambling Under the Swastika: Casinos, Horse Racing, Lotteries, and Other Forms of Betting in Nazi Germany
2019, 208 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-5310-1252-6
Gendered Law in American History
2016, 1250 pp, casebound, ISBN 978-1-61163-673-4
Genius for Justice: Charles Hamilton Houston and the Reform of American Law
2021, 240 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-985-5
Gentlemen of the Grand Jury: The Surviving Grand Jury Charges from Colonial, State, and Lower Federal Courts Before 1801
2012, 1520 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-815-5
The Great Dissents of the "Lone Dissenter": Justice Jesse W. Carter's Twenty Tumultuous Years on the California Supreme Court
2010, 282 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-810-0
Great Legal Traditions: Civil Law, Common Law, and Chinese Law in Historical and Operational Perspective
2011, 700 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-957-2
Teacher's Manual available
A Half-Century with the Internal Revenue Code: The Memoirs of Stanley S. Surrey
2022, 422 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-2118-4
Henry T. King, Jr.: A Life Dedicated to International Justice
2011, 202 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-038-1
History and the Constitution: Collected Essays
2007, 516 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-281-8
Identity Crisis: Federal Courts in a Psychological Wilderness
2001, 280 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-741-6
The Illustrious Impact of Luminarias on the Law: The Legal Handicraft of the First Latina Article III Judges, State Supreme Court Justices, and Public Interest Litigators
Forthcoming May 2025, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-3060-5
Inside the Mason Court Revolution: The High Court of Australia Transformed
2006, 344 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-061-6
Jean v. Nelson (Deep Dive Series): A Civil Rights Revolution in Immigration
2021, 366 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-94607-434-8
The Jefferson-Hemings Controversy: Report of the Scholars Commission
2011, 432 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-0-89089-085-1
Jim Crow in North Carolina: The Legislative Program from 1865 to 1920
2021, 318 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-1771-2
John Chipman Gray: The Harvard Brahmin of Property Law
2010, 334 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-398-3
John Marshall and the Cases that United the States of America: Beveridge's Abridged Life of John Marshall
2018, 642 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-94607-414-0
Languages of Power: A Source Book of Early American Constitutional History
1991, 352 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-380-7
Law after Auschwitz: Towards a Jurisprudence of the Holocaust
2005, 464 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-0-89089-243-5
Law and the Holocaust: U.S. Cases and Materials
2018, 814 pp, casebound, ISBN 978-1-61163-015-2
Teacher's Manual available
Law Codes in Dynastic China: A Synopsis of Chinese Legal History in the Thirty Centuries from Zhou to Qing
2005, 280 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-039-5
Law in War, War as Law: Brigadier General Joseph Holt and the Judge Advocate General's Department in the Civil War and Early Reconstruction, 1861-1865
2011, 438 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-864-3
Legal Transparency in Dynastic China: The Legalist-Confucianist Debate and Good Governance in Chinese Tradition
2013, 252 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-295-8
Local Counsel: First Women at The Citadel, and Beyond
2012, 352 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-032-9
Lost in Translations: Roman Law Scholarship and Translation in Early Twentieth-Century America
2018, 238 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-0722-5
Louis D. Brandeis's MIT Lectures on Law (1892-1894)
2012, 400 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-849-0
Louisiana: Microcosm of a Mixed Jurisdiction
1999, 336 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-0-89089-892-5
The Louisiana Civilian Experience: Critiques of Codification in a Mixed Jurisdiction
2005, 304 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-060-9
Making Law in Papua New Guinea: The Colonial Origins of a Postcolonial Legal System
2021, 538 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-0550-4
Making Sense of Search and Seizure Law: A Fourth Amendment Handbook, Second Edition
2015, 472 pp, casebound, ISBN 978-1-61163-615-4
The Neglected Amendments of the U.S. Constitution: Text, History, and Interpretation
Forthcoming August 2025, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-3378-1
Teacher's Manual forthcoming
Newspaper Reports of Decisions in Colonial, State, and Lower Federal Courts Before 1801
2018, 2062 pp, multiple volumes, ISBN 978-1-59460-983-1
The Other American Colonies: An International and Constitutional Law Examination of the United States' Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Island Conquests
2006, 334 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-499-6
Our Chief Magistrate and His Powers: William Howard Taft with Foreword, Introduction and Notes by H. Jefferson Powell
2002, 224 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-0-89089-146-9
Outsourcing Justice: The Rise of Modern Arbitration Laws in America
2013, 296 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-202-6
The Palsgraf Case: Courts, Law & Society in 1920's New York
2001, paper, ISBN 978-0-82056-372-5
Political and Legal Adventurers: From Marx to Moynihan
2009, 302 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-284-9
The President as Commander in Chief: An Essay in Constitutional Vision
2014, 250 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-61163-405-1
Private Prosecution in America: Its Origins, History, and Unconstitutionality in the Twenty-First Century
2022, 1024 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-1-5310-2006-4
The Quotable Brandeis
2018, 158 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-0413-2
The Real Lessons of the Vietnam War: Reflections Twenty-Five Years After the Fall of Saigon
2002, 536 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-0-89089-648-8
Res Judicata: A Handbook on Its Theory, Doctrine, and Practice
2001, 296 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-705-8
A Revisionist History of Tort Law: From Holmesian Realism to Neoclassical Rationalism
2005, 340 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-0-89089-473-6
The Si'lailo Way: Indians, Salmon and Law on the Columbia River
2006, 450 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-085-2
Slavery in the Southwest: Genizaro Identity, Dignity and the Law
2019, 262 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-1555-8
Sovereign Immunity or The Rule of Law: The New Federalism's Choice
2005, 260 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-012-8
Structures of Judicial Decision Making from Legal Formalism to Critical Theory, Second Edition
2005, 380 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-123-1
Structures of Judicial Decision Making from Legal Formalism to Critical Theory (Paperback), Second Edition
2005, 380 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-359-7
Substantive Due Process of Law: A Dichotomy of Sense and Nonsense
1986, 316 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-0-89089-313-5
Three Neglected Pieces of the Documentary History of the Constitution and Bill of Rights: Remarks on the Amendments to the Constitution by a Foreign Spectator, Essays of the Centinel, Revived, and Extracts from the Virginia Senate Journal
2019, 184 pp, casebound, ISBN 978-1-5310-0881-9
To Educate and Serve: The Centennial History of Creighton University School of Law, 1904-2004
2007, 464 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-324-2
To Oppose Any Foe: The Legacy of U.S. Intervention in Vietnam
2006, 648 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-206-1
A View of the Constitution of the United States of America, Second Edition
2009, 400 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-59460-550-5
War Crimes and War Crime Trials: From Leipzig to the ICC and Beyond: Cases, Materials and Comments
2006, 856 pp, casebound, ISBN 978-0-89089-307-4
War Crimes and War Crime Trials: From Leipzig to the ICC and Beyond: Cases, Materials and Comments
2006, 856 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-376-1
Teacher's Manual available
A Warren Court of Our Own: The Exum Court and the Expansion of Individual Rights in North Carolina
2020, 248 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-5310-1449-0
Work, Parenting and Inequality: Workplace Laws and Policies from 1898 to 2018
2019, 368 pp, casebound, ISBN 978-1-61163-820-2
Teacher's Manual available
The Worst Supreme Court Decisions, Ever!
2024, 282 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-94607-444-7
Written in Water: Biography of Frederick Bernays Wiener
2020, 448 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-946074-225