"Come on, Children"
The Autobiography of Attorney George Washington Fields, Born a Slave in Hanover County, Virginia
Edited by: Kevin M. Clermont
Tags: Legal History, Twelve Tables Press
174 pp $18.95
ISBN 978-1-94607-442-3
"Come on, Children": The Autobiography of Attorney George Washington Fields, Born a Slave in Hanover County, Virginia recounts the the life of the first black law student of Cornell University, from his escape from enslavement to an eminent career as a blinded lawyer. It does so with a special blend of humility, strength, and wisdom, laying out in no uncertain terms the set of values that guided Fields's undaunted courage, vision, and passion to become a successful attorney after the Civil War within his community back in Hanover County, Virginia.
A must-read for any entering law student, this autobiography, expertly researched and supported by Kevin Clermont, Ziff Professor of Law at Cornell Law School, is an inspiration for every law student walking through the doors with the passion and ambition to make a difference.
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