Understanding California Community Property Law

Second Edition

by Jo Carrillo

Tags: California; Law School Study Aids; Practitioner Resources; Property/Community Property; and Understanding Series

Table of Contents (PDF)

472 pp  $55.00

ISBN 978-1-5310-1008-9
eISBN 978-1-5310-1009-6

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The second edition of Understanding California Community Property Law explains the California community property system as it relates to the ownership of property during marriage. Statues are updated and quoted where relevant. Case law is updated and explained. Issues of ownership during marriage, community property management and control, liability, partition, and dissolution are covered. So too are premarital contracts, transmutations, and contracts between intimate partners.

Understanding California Community Property Law specifically extends the field by contextualizing the California Multiple-Party Accounts Law and the California Domestic Violence Prevention Act within the community property system. Each chapter includes a series of concise examples that illustrate how the California Family Code applies. Appellate cases are reported by judicial district.

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