Immigration and Nationality Law
Cases and Materials
Fifth Edition
Tags: Immigration Law and Migration and Refugees
Teacher's Manual available
952 pp $150.00
ISBN 978-1-5310-1132-1
eISBN 978-1-5310-1133-8
To view or download the 2022 Supplement for this book, click here.
The fifth edition of Immigration and Nationality Law provides both a practical and theoretical framework for understanding the issues and procedural rules which constitute current U.S. immigration law. The book covers all aspects of what is commonly regarded as immigration and nationality law, covering immigrant rights, citizenship, expatriation, inadmissibility, deportability, removal, waivers, relief from removal, asylum and refugees, nonimmigrant visas, and acquisition and loss of permanent residency. All of this is approached from both a substantive and procedural context, using problems and flow charts to help the student or new practitioner to more easily grasp this complicated subject matter.
The fifth edition has been significantly revised and incorporates case law and developments through December 2017 including the Travel Ban, DACA, and sanctuary city litigation. Since the book addresses both substance and procedure, with a focus on practice as well as theory, it is an excellent text not only for students, but for practitioners and those in government agencies.
Immigration and Nationality Law also includes a dynamic Teacher's Manual which summarizes the cases providing additional questions and problems that can be used by the instructor.
Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.