Crim Pro 360°

Criminal Procedure: The Investigation Process

by Adam M. Gershowitz

Tags: Criminal Procedure, Law School Study Aids

Table of Contents (PDF)

476 pp  $50.00

ISBN 978-1-5310-2186-3
eISBN 978-1-5310-2187-0

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Crim Pro 360° provides a comprehensive way for students to learn all of the core material for a criminal investigation course and to practice what they have learned. It contains roadmaps for Fourth and Fifth Amendment problems, so that students can see the big picture issues they will have to tackle on an essay exam. The book then explains the black letter law for each of the major search and seizure and confession topics covered in a criminal investigation course. The concise black letter law is provided in bullet points for quick reference, and in narrative form for more in-depth understanding.

Most importantly, Crim Pro 360° provides students with over 200 multiple-choice questions, numerous essay questions, exam traps to avoid, and the "Professor's Answer Key" to help students both learn the law and ace their exams.

Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.