This book has been replaced by a newer edition:
Louisiana Law of Obligations: A Methodological and Comparative Perspective: Cases, Texts and Materials, Second Edition
2023, 828 pp, casebound, ISBN 978-1-5310-2640-0
Louisiana Law of Obligations (Paperback)
A Methodological & Comparative Perspective: Cases, Texts and Materials
by Alain A. Levasseur, J. Randall Trahan, Sandi Varnado
Tags: Comparative Law, Contracts, Louisiana
578 pp $80.00
ISBN 978-1-5310-2244-0
eISBN 978-1-5310-2087-3
This is a paperback printing of the casebook published in 2013.To see the hardcover version, please click here.
This innovative coursebook on Louisiana's law of obligations covers the law of contractual obligations in particular and the General Principles that govern the whole law of "Obligations." It features carefully edited excerpts from Louisiana judicial opinions and scholarly writings, as well as citations to pertinent articles of the Louisiana Civil Code. Additionally, this coursebook includes features that most others do not. Following each case is a series of questions, some designed to direct students to the significant points of the court's analysis, others designed to deepen students' understanding of civil law methodology. This book not only provides students (and lawyers) with a comprehensive introduction to Louisiana's law of Obligations, but also invites readers to draw comparisons between that law and the complimentary law of other legal systems.
"Many will praise the authors for having adopted and applied all through this casebook an approach intentionally comparative as evidenced by the sub-title of the work… One will recognize all through this volume the well-known qualities and features that are customarily found in the scholarly world of the 'civilistes', the specialists of the civil law: a well-organized and structured thinking process unfolding according to a clear and logical plan and expressed in a precise and elegant language."
— Xavier Blanc-Jouvan, Professor emeritus University of Paris II; Treasurer, International Academy of Comparative La; former President, Société de Législation Comparée (translated from French)
Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.