Missouri Legal Research
Fourth Edition
by Wanda M. Temm, Julie M. Cheslik
Tags: Legal Research; Legal Research Series; and Legal Writing
Teacher's Manual available
252 pp $32.00
ISBN 978-1-5310-2257-0
eISBN 978-1-5310-2258-7
Missouri Legal Research is the first text to focus exclusively on research in Missouri legal resources. As such, it will be invaluable to Missouri law students and practitioners who need to learn how to do Missouri legal research. While many features focus on learning research, the book is organized as such to be a reference book on Missouri legal research and thus useful to those already knowledgeable about research. This book is the first to detail Missouri administrative law and legislative history research. Its thorough explanation of citation will be particularly useful to the new law student, paralegal, or administrative assistant in a law office.
Written by authors with decades of experience teaching first year law students legal research skills, Missouri Legal Research focuses on the sources of law (statutes, cases, rules and regulations, etc.) and exposes the reader to those sources in both free access and fee-based online databases like Westlaw Edge and Lexis+ and in a print medium. This book provides guidelines for how to make judgments about which medium to access and when to access it.
Missouri Legal Research was designed for teaching legal research to first-year law students, paralegals, and undergraduate students researching Missouri law. Missouri practitioners and others who need to be familiar with Missouri resources will also want this book in their library. Complex ideas and research processes are presented in a straight-forward manner. Outlines of the research process and short excerpts from Missouri and federal resources make the book easy to use.
This book is part of the Legal Research Series, edited by Tenielle Fordyce-Ruff.
PowerPoint slides are available upon adoption. Sample slides from the full 68-slide presentation are available to view here. Email remeier@cap-press.com for more information.
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