Contemporary Appellate Advocacy

by Ann B. Ching, David B. Gass

Forthcoming May 2025

Tags: Appellate Advocacy

Teacher's Manual forthcoming

ISBN 978-1-5310-2652-3
eISBN 978-1-5310-2653-0

Discover the art and science of appellate advocacy with Contemporary Appellate Advocacy, a comprehensive textbook for law students and lawyers. Moving beyond the basics, this book explores the realities of modern appellate practice.

Written by experienced authors Professor Ann Ching and Judge David B. Gass, this textbook demystifies the appellate process, offering both practical advice and theoretical foundations. It emphasizes ethics and professionalism while integrating psychology and social science to teach effective persuasion techniques. The book also adopts a modern approach to writing style and discusses the significant impact of technology on appellate practice.

Ideal for various audiences, Contemporary Appellate Advocacy serves as a primary textbook for appellate advocacy courses, a supplemental resource for moot court programs or clerkships, and a reference guide for practicing lawyers. The book is structured into five parts, covering an appellate practice overview, appellate brief drafting, persuasive writing guidance, oral argument strategies, and special considerations, including the integration of legal technology.

With Contemporary Appellate Advocacy, you'll become a more effective, persuasive, and knowledgeable advocate. The authors' real-world expertise and practical wisdom make this textbook an invaluable resource for students and practitioners alike.

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