Mastering Products Liability
Second Edition
by Tim Kaye
Forthcoming July 2025
Tags: Mastering Series; Practitioner Resources; Products Liability; and Torts
ISBN 978-1-5310-3205-0
eISBN 978-1-5310-3206-7
Mastering Products Liability is a clear, concise discussion of the law of products liability. It contains a short history of the development of that area, but focuses on the current controversies, such as:
- The Second Restatement of Torts versus the Third Restatement of Torts: Products Liability
- Strict liability versus a return to negligence-based liability
- Role of judge versus role of jury
- Consumer expectations test versus foreign-natural test for food
- Consumer expectations test versus reasonable alternative design test for other products
- Frye, Daubert, the Federal Rules of Evidence, and epidemiology
- Defendants in bankruptcy protection and the Texas two-step
- Scope of pre-emption
- The constitutionality of statutes of repose on their face and as-applied
- Comparative fault pled by plaintiffs
This work will not only be an invaluable resource for students taking a course in products liability, but will also provide valuable information for students covering the products liability material in the basic torts class.
This book is part of the Carolina Academic Press Mastering Series edited by Russell L. Weaver, University of Louisville School of Law.
Comp Copy If you are a professor teaching in this field you may request a complimentary copy.