This book has been replaced by a newer edition:

The Organized Lawyer cover

The Organized Lawyer, Second Edition

2015, 156 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-400-6


The Organized Lawyer

by Kelly Lynn Anders

Table of Contents (PDF)

166 pp  $22.00

ISBN 978-1-59460-430-0
eISBN 978-1-61163-233-0

This title is out of print in hardcopy but is available as an ebook.

There's more than one way to be organized, but you wouldn't know it from most books and television shows. There's so much more to creating and maintaining an organized space than purchasing a bunch of plastic bins and attractive containers from the local office supply store. Add stress and time constraints and multiple types of items to control and it's a recipe for failure—or a belief that organization is impossible. That's where this book comes in.

The Organized Lawyer is designed to address the needs of all types of lawyers—corporate, nonprofit, government, private, academic, and solo practitioners. Whether you're in a cubicle, corner office, or working out of your home, this book will help you develop and maintain a more organized space.

"Written in an engaging, conversational style, she presents a fresh approach to organization… The book's best asset within a crowded field of book on organizing is that it is not too complicated." — Court Review

"This book is a useful resource for attorneys interested in achieving a more organized and supportive work environment, and as such, is an appropriate addition to any law library… The Organized Lawyer succeeds in reminding readers of the importance of maintaining an organized work environment and provides a general road map on the journey from clutter to order." — AALL Spectrum

"Anders has put out one of the best books on organization for lawyers…" — Kansas Bar Journal

"[The Organized Lawyer] is filled with step-by-step processes to make your workspace and, by extension, you, more efficient… This is a short, pleasant read and set up so you can skip around (as Anders encourages the reader to do) to find the stuff that interests you. But, most of all, it makes you conscious of the need to be organized and stay organized so that you can work better." — Chicago Lawyer

"Covering everything from making a better home out of one's office to keeping the book's balanced, using electronic devices, and more, The Organized Lawyer is strongly recommended for any lawyer who does more organization than actual work." — The Midwest Book Review

"More than just another book on how to get organized, Anders addresses all the professional needs of attorneys." — Library Journal

"Kelly Lynn Anders' new book, The Organized Lawyer, is a tool that may help those who tend towards the messy." — Tennessee Bar Journal

"Every chapter has at least one or two fresh ideas that even the most experienced and well-organized attorney can implement to improve his or her work space." — The Colorado Lawyer

"...[T]here are many useful tips and thought processes that can be used by any attorney, regardless of years in practice or size of firm. Remember, even one tip that saves 10 minutes a day will add up to more than an extra 43 hours of time per year to do the things you want to do." — Wisconsin Lawyer

"Wonderfully written, really chock full of great insights and practical tips.… I will definitely refer to it in my CLE courses at the Swedish Bar Asscoiation. Thank you for a great and rewarding read." Jens Patrik Näsström