Minnesota Legal Research
Tags: Legal Research; Legal Research and Writing; and Legal Research Series
Teacher's Manual available
234 pp $25.00
ISBN 978-1-59460-585-7
This work is written to provide practical guidance to law students, legal assistants, librarians, attorneys, and others who are interested in researching Minnesota law. It describes important hard copy and online legal resources and explains when and how to use them. While Minnesota legal resources are the focus of the book, important federal legal resources and selected works that are useful for researching the law of any jurisdiction are also discussed.
After an introduction to the research process, the book continues with basic guidance for effectively finding and using hard copy and online resources. It then discusses secondary sources. The remaining chapters focus on specific primary legal sources for Minnesota. Each chapter starts by introducing the resources and then giving "how to" tips for finding specific legal information. Citation and updating methods are covered in each chapter. Appendix A provides a listing of the major Minnesota legal resources in use today. Appendix B offers a quick guide for finding Minnesota primary legal sources in hard copy and online resources.
This book is an excellent resource for established law practitioners, law librarians, and legal assistants who seek a quick refresher on specific research tools and techniques. It can also be used as a text for legal research instruction to law students, paralegal students, and library school students. The accompanying teacher's manual provides suggestions for using the book in the classroom.
This book is part of the Legal Research Series, edited by Suzanne E. Rowe, Director of Legal Research and Writing, University of Oregon School of Law.
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