Narratives of Struggle
The Philosophy and Politics of Development
Tags: African Studies; African World Series; and Africana Studies
468 pp $60.00
ISBN 978-1-61163-087-9
eISBN 978-1-5310-2998-2
Narratives of Struggle: The Philosophy and Politics of Development is made up of a series of critical and reflective essays aimed at facilitating the understanding and appreciation of the causative, sustaining and perpetuating factors responsible for the continuing underdevelopment of Africa. In this book, the author attempts to present a narrative of the struggles which African and African Diaspora societies have encountered in the process of emergence from colonialism and plantation society toward statehood, with all the challenges that assail the efforts they have to make toward social, economic, political and cultural development. This book adopts a unique perspective on the issues associated with development, incorporating philosophical, reflective, hermeneutic, even phenomenological interpretation and discussion of diverse data and literature, to enunciate a critically reflective interpretation, analysis and handling of issue and problems. A few of the questions Narratives of Struggle raises are: What constitutes development? Does quality of life improve or suffer with increased access to material resources?
This book is part of the African World Series, edited by Toyin Falola, Jacob and Frances Sanger Mossiker Chair in the Humanities, University of Texas at Austin.