This book has been replaced by a newer edition:

Questions & Answers: Civil Procedure

Fourth Edition

by William V. Dorsaneo, III, Elizabeth G. Thornburg

Tags: Civil Procedure, Law School Study Aids, Lawyering Skills/Study Aids, Questions & Answers Series

Table of Contents (PDF)

402 pp  $24.99

ISBN 978-1-63282-858-3
eISBN 978-1-63282-859-0

This study guide uses over 300 multiple-choice and short-answer questions to test your students' knowledge of the nature and operation of the rules that govern procedure in the federal courts in the United States. Each multiple-choice question is accompanied by a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question (designed to be answered in no more than fifteen minutes) is followed by a thoughtful, yet brief, model answer. Q & A: Civil Procedure also includes a comprehensive topical index.