International Business and Economics Document Supplement
Law and Policy
Fourth Edition
Tags: Economics and Law, International Business, International Law
1086 pp $71.00
ISBN 978-1-42247-988-9
eISBN 978-0-32717-797-5
This companion to International Business and Economics: Law and Policy, Fourth Edition, 2010 covers Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; 1979 Subsidies Code; Uruguay Round Agreements; North American Free Trade Agreement; NAFTA Side Agreements; Excerpts from NAFTA Implementation Act; Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act; Excerpts from Cuba Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (Libertad) Act; Foreign Corrupt Practices Act; Excerpts from Trade Law of the United States; Excerpts from Internal Revenue Code; Model Loan Agreement; Model Joint Venture Agreement; and Russian Privatization Regulations.
This Title Accompanies
International Business and Economics: Law and Policy, Fourth Edition
2010, casebound, ISBN 978-1-42247-892-9
Teacher's Manual available