Current Affairs Titles
Anti-Corruption Policy: Can International Actors Play a Constructive Role?
2013, 324 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-303-0
Civil Litigation Against Terrorism
2004, 315 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-0-89089-451-4
Critical Chatter: Women and Human Rights in South East Asia
2003, 204 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-120-9
The Debt Ceiling Disasters: How the Republicans Created an Unnecessary Constitutional Crisis and How the Democrats Can Fight Back
2013, 198 pp, electronic media, ISBN 978-1-61163-442-6
The Digital Divide: Standing at the Intersection of Race and Technology
2001, 216 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-641-9
Fixing Columbine: The Challenge to American Liberalism
2002, 304 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-0-89089-192-6
The Future of America's Death Penalty: An Agenda for the Next Generation of Capital Punishment Research
2009, 582 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-426-3
The Gene and the Genie: Tradition, Medicalization and Genetic Counseling in a Bedouin Community in Israel
2005, 192 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-448-4
Human Rights in the Muslim World: Fundamentalism, Constitutionalism, and International Politics
2003, 512 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-045-5
The Initiative and Referendum Almanac: A Comprehensive Reference Guide to the Initiative and Referendum Process, Second Edition
2018, 1141 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-1338-7
The Kidney Sellers: A Journey of Discovery in Iran
2014, 254 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-61163-512-6
Lifting the Fog of War: New Thinking about War and War Prevention
2018, 766 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-1-5310-0886-4
The Mueller Investigation and Beyond
2020, 288 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-1675-3
Newspaper Ethics in the New Century: A Report to the American Society of Newspaper Editors
2006, 142 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-255-9
Not Yet Democracy: West Africa's Slow Farewell to Authoritarianism
2005, 238 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-533-7
Playing for Life: Performance in Africa in the Age of AIDS
2003, 344 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-125-4
The Politics of Disgrace: The Role of Political Scandal in American Politics, Second Edition
2015, 402 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-520-1
The Politics of Executive Privilege
2004, 288 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-416-3
The Politics of Executive Privilege
2003, 288 pp, hardback, ISBN 978-0-89089-541-2
The President's Authority over Foreign Affairs: An Essay in Constitutional Interpretation
2002, 184 pp, jacketed hardback, ISBN 978-0-89089-466-8
The Presidential Debates: Issues and Questions for the 2016 Elections and Beyond
2016, 258 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-61163-918-6
The Russo-Ukrainian War Law Handbook
2025, 790 pp, electronic media, ISBN 978-1-5310-3366-8
Silenced Stages: The Loss of Academic Freedom and Campus Policy Debates
2019, 144 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-1602-9
Solving the War Puzzle: Beyond the Democratic Peace
2004, 212 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-5310-0891-8
Through the Eye of Katrina: Social Justice in the United States, Second Edition
2010, 480 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-735-6
Teacher's Manual available
Transnational Organized Crime: Myth, Power, and Profit
2003, 232 pp, paper, ISBN 978-0-89089-196-4
What Happened to the Iraqi Police?: Applying Lessons in Police Democratization Successes in West Germany and Japan
2010, 206 pp, paper, ISBN 978-1-59460-796-7